Burna boy breaks Micheal Jackson biggest record see pictures

Burna Boy performance live at the MelKalorama Fest in Lisbon, Portugal.

Burna boy breaks Micheal Jackson biggest record see pictures

Hello Africans,this is not Micheal Jackson, this is Burna boy from porthacourt who shut down a 50 000 capacity stadium in Lisbon Portugal  

People here doesn't understand nor speak English language but turn out in numbers just to watch the African giant perform 

Certify gold in i know many people will scroll many times to check but stop that much its Burna boy 

Compare him now with Kenye west,lil Wayne, Drake,Kendrick Lamar,offset Micheal Jackson 

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Burnaboy breaks Micheal Jackson biggest record see pictures

Burnaboy breaks Micheal Jackson biggest record see pictures

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